Why Wash Your Car
Although modern vehicle finishes are quite durable and resistant to environmental elements, the paint still needs to be washed on a regular basis to prevent buildup of elements that could permanently harm the finish of your vehicle. In addition, there are the obvious aesthetic benefits to having a clean vehicle.
Why wash your car?
Modern vehicles are operated in some pretty harsh environments and are subjected to a continual bombardment of potentially abrasive and corrosive elements. On the road, insects and bird droppings can land on the paint. In the winter, cold weather road maintenance bathes paint with a caustic salt solution, while summer may bring fresh hot tar that can stick to paint. Even while safely parked, dust, acid rain, pollen and bird droppings quickly adhere to the paint. Over time, these contaminants can chemically etch the surface, leaving permanent paint damage. Even plain old dirt eventually scratches the finish, while excessive road salt can lead to early corrosion. To prevent these types of damage, vehicle exterior should be washed at a regular interval even if it appears not to be that dirty.
Detailing your vehicle’s interior.
Unless you’re fastidious about your car’s interior, it’s usually the last thing on your cleaning list. As the months roll by, grime, wrappers, dust and junk can just pile up.
Asides from the obvious esthetic appeal of a clean car interior, regular interior maintenance and detailing also reduces signs of wear and tear that your vehicle shows and can help maintain or even increase the vehicle’s resale value not to mention the pride and joy of ownership of a great looking vehicle.
Set-in dirt (sand, dirt and other particles) that finds way into your vehicle interior will act as abrasive therefore causing the extra wear to vehicle carpeted areas, seats and many other interior areas inside your vehicle. Stains from spilled drinks, mud stains, stains from accidental transfer (oil slick you may step in while entering your vehicle etc.) will leave unsightly area on any interior area in your vehicle. While at first they may not be as noticeable, eventually with time your vehicle interior will become dirty and dull.
While it may be easy cleaning or minimizing the impact of those stains when you first notice them, the set in stains will become much harder if not impossible to clean and remove.
Sun and UV exposure.
Sun and UV exposure is major reason why your vehicle interior will not only fade and discolour but in many instances the prolonged UV exposure of your vehicle interior coupled with abrasive environment caused by set in dust and grime, will cause the plastic, leather, vinyl or many other materials commonly found inside your vehicle to crack, peel, flake or break resulting in the significant cost of repair or replacement for the affected part.
Properly maintained interior (vacuum your vehicle interior at the time you do your car wash, wipe the dashboard and steering column area, wipe doors, lube hinges and other moving parts as well as apply UV protection to any areas that come into a direct contact with heat and sunlight, will extend the life of your vehicle as well as add on the resale value if you ever decide to sell your vehicle.
Stains such as mud, transfer stains, accidental spills etc. can be better cleaned when they first happen so perform the visual inspection when you interior clean your vehicle and clean what you see as best as you can.